Christine Evans

Christine Evans’ award-winning plays have been produced in Australia, the US and the UK. She has produced plays for the American Repertory Theater, the Garage Theater, Playbox Theatre, Charing Cross Theatre, Perishable Theatre, Darwin Theatre Company, Belvoir St. Theatre, Vitalstatistix, and the Adelaide International Festival of the Arts.

Her plays are published by Samuel French, Smith and Kraus, NoPassport Press and in THEATRE FORUM.

Honors include a Bogliasco Foundation Fellowship, an Australia Council for the Arts Creative Development Award, an Australian Fulbright Award, an International Collaboration grant from Georgetown, and residency fellowships at multiple artist colonies.

Playwriting awards include two Perishable Theater’s International Women’s Playwriting Competition Awards, the Jane Chambers Playwriting Award, Plays for the 21st Century Award, the Rella Lossy Playwriting Award, the Weston Award for Dramatic Writing, and two Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) Playwriting Fellowships.

Evans served as Briggs-Copeland Lecturer at Harvard University, where she inaugurated the now-annual Harvard Playwrights’ Festival with Gideon Lester. She joined the Georgetown Department of Performing Arts faculty in 2012.