Shiloh Krupar

Shiloh Krupar is a Geographer and Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor at Georgetown University, where she serves as Field Chair of the Culture and Politics Program in the SFS. Her teaching and research interests, which span geography, architecture, performance studies, medical humanities, and environmental justice, have explored several interrelated areas: military landscapes; model cities; environmental and financial disasters; medical geographies of waste and bureaucracy. Krupar has been published in such venues as Society and SpaceAntipodePublic CultureRadical History ReviewLiminalities, cultural geographies, and Occasion. Her book Hot Spotter’s Report: Military Fables of Toxic Waste (University of Minnesota Press, 2013) explores the politics of decommissioned military sites in the western US. She is completing two co-authored volumes: Waste Complex: Capital, Ecology, Sovereignty (with C. Greig Crysler, University of California-Berkeley); and Deadly Life-making: US Biocultures and the Ethics of Living On (with Nadine Ehlers, University of Sydney). Her collaborative art project “The National Toxic Land/Labor Conservation Service”,, (with Sarah Kanouse, Northeastern University) works at the intersection of art, research, and government policy to address the toxic afterlife of U.S. militarism and has been included in the Institute for Wishful Thinking (NYC, 2011) and “Monument to Cold War Victory” exhibition (Cooper Union, NYC, October 2014).