Natalia Kaliada

Natalia Kaliada is Founding Co-Artistic Director of Belarus Free Theatre, writer, diplomat, human rights campaigner and producer. She is co-author together with Nicolai Khalezin of internationally-acclaimed plays including Generation Jeans, Discover Love, Trash Cuisine and Time of Women. She authored the monologue, “Belarus is not sexy” featured in the play Minsk, 2011: A Reply to Kathy Acker by Belarus Free Theatre. Natalia is Executive Producer, together with Nicolai Khalezin, of all performances by BFT including but not limited to Being Harold Pinter, Generation Jeans, Minsk, 2011: A Reply to Kathy Acker (with Fuel), Trash Cuisine, King Lear, Discover Love, and Zone of Silence. She is co-creator together with Nicolai Khalezin and Vladimir Shcherban of Belarus’ only theatre laboratory, Fortinbras. She has given various master classes across the U.S. and Europe. Together with her husband, Natalia has co-run campaigns including the Global Artistic Campaign to Free Belarus and Give A Body Back. In 2015, she was nominated for the Innovation Award by the Intelligence Life of the Economist’s Magazine.