Karski Curriculum

Karski Curriculum

Karski Curriculum - Production History Link/Button 

The play’s success launched in fall 2020 an accompanying educational platform piloted at Georgetown University—a dynamic experiential course and an accompanying website with the production as a centerpiece.

Co-designed and co-taught by Derek Goldman, Clark Young, and Ijeoma Njaka, The Lab’s Inclusive Pedagogy Specialist, the course explores how Karski’s life, work, and legacy connect to historical and contemporary issues of advocacy and social justice. 

Entitled “Bearing Witness: The Legacy of Jan Karski Today,” the course allows students to explore their own applications of Kasrki’s legacy in the context of their lives as they follow in Karski’s example to continue to “shake the conscience of the world.”

Using Karski’s life and teachings as inspiration, students examined their own relationship to the current historical moment, how individuals may bear witness to history, and, following Karski’s example, “shake the conscience of the world.”