Lab Student Fellows


Lab Student Fellows

The Lab Student Fellowship aims to support the creativity of students working at the intersection of politics and performance. It is a space for discussion, workshopping, and collaboration among students who align with The Lab’s mission of humanizing global politics. It also connects students to The Lab’s work in an ongoing and meaningful way. The centerpiece of the program is a creative project of the fellow’s choosing.

The Fellowship was launched in October of 2020 by Alyssa Kardos and Renny Simone, two former student members of The Lab team. Recently, it was featured in a news article published on the SFS website. Stay informed on the latest in arts and politics and the happenings of our student community by signing up for our newsletter! Email with the subject “Student Newsletter” to be added.
Lab Student Fellows screenshot
Lab student fellows Sophia George, Kellan Oelkers, Jenni Loo, and Alyssa Kardos are among Lab fellows and friends in the performance of The Race, 2020.
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