Archives: Lab Team


Alexiya is an undergraduate student in the School of Foreign Service, studying Culture and Politics with minors in Philosophy and Russian Literature. Focusing on protest literature in her studies, Alexiya has grown an interest in practical ways to engage in productive conversations about complex topics.MORE

Wenjin Jiang, originally from Chengdu, China, is a passionate communicator and dedicated intercultural advocate. She is currently a graduate student in Communication, Culture & Technology at Georgetown University. Wenjin’s interest lies in supporting initiatives that bridge cultural divides and foster global dialogues through innovative cultural projects.MORE

Shanshan Lin is an international student from China, currently pursuing a Master’s in Communication, Culture, and Technology at Georgetown University. She graduated from the University of Oregon with a BA in Global Studies,MORE

Doğa is an undergraduate student at Georgetown University from İstanbul/Türkiye. She studies International Economics at the School of Foreign Service, with experience in the energy sector and an interest in green transitions.MORE

Alexis Kim is an undergraduate in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University studying International Political Economy, Diplomatic Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies. She is interested in pursuing a career in the federal government post-graduation and has special interests in academic research,… Read More Alexis Kim

Daniel Phoenix Singh, Senior Advisor on Strategic Initiatives at the LAB, has worked across Higher Education, Dance, LGBTQ Communities, South Asian Communities, and Arts practice, policy, and funding organizations at local and national levels.MORE

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