Wesley Ruzibiza

The Lab Community

Wesley Ruzibiza

Wesley Ruzibiza is a dancer, actor, choreographer, and director. Raised in the Democratic Republic of Congo, he moved to Rwanda, his country of origin, in 1999. He was studying financial management at the National University of Rwanda when he encountered the world of contemporary arts. While observing a dance workshop, the choreographer surprisingly invited him to join the group. He took off his shoes and since that day never left. It was through a dance performance that he finally fully understood what had happened in his country, Rwanda, in 1994 and how he could tell his own people’s story to the rest of the world. Ruzibiza holds an African Contemporary Dance and Germaine Acogny diploma. From 2002-2010 he took over the direction of the Dance Department at the University Center of Arts and Drama. Today, he is the Artistic Director of the Amizero Kompagnie that he co-founded in 2005 with the National University of Rwanda UCAD, with which he won multiple international awards. He founded the East African Night of Tolerance international festival (EANT), co-founded the Africa Mashariki Dance network (AMDA), and in 2020 co-founded with his partner Dida Nibagwire, Rwandan actress and producer, the first Rwandan private theater based in Kigali named “L’ESPACE.” He is the co-artistic Director of l’Ecole des Sables in Dakar, an Associate Professor at the Dance and Research Center (CPARC) in Bordeaux, France, and at the Muda Africa Dance School in Tanzania, among others.