Joanna Sherman

The Lab Community

Joanna Sherman

Joanna Sherman is Artistic Director of Bond Street Theatre. As director, actor and musician, she has conducted theatre projects in 60+ countries. The company collaborates with local organizations using theatre as a means to bring information to communities and promote social equity. 

Ms. Sherman received an Award from the League of Professional Theatre Women, the Otto Award for Political Theatre, and Public Service Award from Cooper Union School of Fine Arts. She served as Cultural Envoy in Myanmar and India. The company received a MacArthur Award for its intercultural programming. Ms. Sherman has a BFA in Art & Architecture from Cooper Union, and an MA in Theatre & International Studies from New York University. 

Notable projects: Created the first all-female theatre groups in Afghanistan, collaborated with Thukhuma Khayeethe In Myanmar on human rights campaigns, provided theatre training for Rohingya and Somali refugees in Malaysia, conducted women’s rights programs in Egypt, South Sudan and South Africa, collaborated with Fragments Theatre in Jenin, Palestine, and trained social workers in Thailand in theatre for victims of trafficking.