Generation (Wh)Y: Global Voices on Stage

Generation (Wh)Y: Global Voices on Stage

Generation (Wh)Y was an intimate live performance that moved through multiple spaces exploring real experiences from global voices and the poetry of everyday life. This immersive theatrical experience of innovative multi-media performances resulted from year-long dialogue and encounters between Georgetown students and youth from Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Qatar, and Iraq that grew out of the Fall 2014 “Culture and Diplomacy” course taught be Professors Derek Goldman and Cynthia Schneider. The Generation (Wh)Y devising ensemble sparked conversations around the world about the hopes, perspectives, and experiences of the next generation.

The Lab collaborated with LaGuardia Community College in New York, a fellow recipient of a Building Bridges grant from the Association of Performing Arts Presenters, on Generation (Wh)Y, and LaGuardia students were part of the performing ensemble.