Ferry Tales

Ferry Tales

Ferry Tales is a series of site-specific performances celebrating the Potomac watershed. At locations along the river, storytellers will share short tales with passengers and passers-by. Woven from community interviews, science, local history and legend, these performances honor the depths of DC’s waters and the many forms of life that call them home. Stories include tales about the eastern lampmussel and the large mouth bass, the recovering shad population, and origin stories of the Potomac itself. 

Ferry Tales is presented in partnership with the Kennedy Center’s departments of International Programming and Social Impact, The Laboratory for Global Performance & Politics, and The Earth Commons—Georgetown University’s Institute for Environment & Sustainability with support from Georgetown Heritage and the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, a National Historical Park.

This performance is supported in part by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts as part of Social Impact’s Office Hours Residency program at the REACH


Ferry Tales grows out of a series of community interviews with riverkeepers, water defenders, biologists, ornithologists, DC residents, indigenous stewards, scholars, and artists. We are grateful to the many individuals and organizations we have encountered and been inspired by, including Mark Giordano and Janet Mann at Georgetown University, Emma Kelley, the Women’s Aquatic Network, Riverkeeper Dean Naujoks, Rose Powhatan, Myiah and David Smith, The Pearl Coalition, Lisa Wu, and President of the Riverkeeper Network Nancy Stoner.


Apr. 46, 7, 8, 13, 14 & 15, 2023

*No reservations required except for canal boat performances on April 13th*


First Performance: RiverRun Festival Opening Reception in Welcome Pavillion |  6:00 – 6:30 pm

Second Performance: IKE Lobby | 7:30 – 8:00pm

First Performance: ( Kennedy Center)

Second Performance: REACH Justice Forum 5:30 – 6PM 

Third Performance: REACH Studio K 7 – 7:30PM 

First Performance: REACH Welcome Pavilion / Justice Forum Lobby | 5:30 –  6:00pm

Second Performance: REACH Hammersmith Lounge | 7:00pm – 7:30pm 

Third Performance: REACH River Pavilion | 7:30 – 8:00pm (on Canal Boat, if possible; if not, at KC)

REACH Justice Forum 5:30 – 6PM 1 performance before Talking Rivers 

REACH Studio K 7 – 7:30PM 1 performance 

5 Outdoor Performances : REACH Outdoor Pavilions (Locations TBD) | 10:45am, 11:30, 12:00pm, 12:30 pm and 1:00pm


Performance on Canal Boat | Georgetown Canal | 4:00PM and 5:30PM  | Reserve Tickets 

First Performance: REACH Justice Forum Lobby | 5:30 – 6:00pm

Second Performance: Kennedy Center CAFE | 6:30 pm – 7:00pm 

Third Performance: REACH Terrace Theater Lobby | 7:00 – 7:30 pm

Fourth Performance: IKE lobby | 7:30 – 8:00pm

5 Outdoor Performances : REACH Outdoor Pavilions (Locations TBD) | 11:30, 12:00pm, 12:30 pm, 1:00pm, 2:00 PM

Creative Team

Caitlin Nasema Cassidy, Director
Jeannette Christensen, Costume Designer
Julia Beu, Stage Manager
Robert Duffley, Dramaturg
Ashanee Kottage, Assistant Director
Jan Menafee, Assistant Dramaturg


Colie Aziza
Vanessa Gilbert
Serena Rasoul



Created by Caitlin Nasema Cassidy, Julia Beu, Robert Duffley, Ashanee Kottage, and Jan Menafee with text by Robert Duffley and Jan Menafee

Special Thanks to  Mark Giordano, Emma Kelley, Janet Mann, Dean Naujoks, Rose Powhatan, Myiah and David Smith, Lisa Wu, Mira Yang.

GIF of the River Run arts, nature, impact logo



Ferry Tales is part of  the 2023 RiverRun Festival 

RiverRun is a dynamic festival celebrating the world’s rivers, the cultures they have spawned, and their role as life-sustaining and art-inspiring arteries that course through our planet.