As we look ahead to opportunities to bring these initiatives to our communities and the world, to tour, share and develop new productions; to develop and scale these groundbreaking curricular approaches and to support and mentor our students and Fellows, we can only do so with your support.
Please consider supporting us with a tax-deductible donation.

By credit card via the online giving form
Under the designation, the link should auto-load “SFS: The Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics” in the “other” Special Designation box. In order for your donation to be properly channeled to The Lab at Georgetown University, that designation must be stated. Please double-check.

By check: Please make it out to “SFS- The Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics” and send it with a completed gift form, which you can download here.
For a detailed list of giving instructions (including detailed info on bank transfers, stock transfers, etc), please see Georgetown’s Giving Guidelines.
*Please note that all gifts need to be earmarked to “SFS- The Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics”. If you have any questions about making a gift, please reach out to us directly at GlobalLab@georgetown.edu.