Campus Courses


Campus Courses

Current Courses

Fall 2024
Exhausted by the current "conversation emergency” in which thoughtful, probing, and productive conversation across divides is practically impossible?
Yearning for alternatives to prevailing ethos of silos and slogans, “us and them” thinking, retreat and avoidance, and zer0 sum-game approaches?
Meet this moment by acquiring the skills and vision to converse honestly, build communities of trust, and identify common purpose while fully honoring the differences among us.

UNXD 5123/GOVT 4225
Conversation Emergency: An In Your Shoes™ Response

1-credit | 2 Sundays (Oct. 20th and 27th) | Fall 2024

Instructors: Profs. Rabbi Rachel Gartner and Dr. Elton Skendaj


At a time when polarization has reached unprecedented levels with devastating consequences for our individual and collective well-being, In Your Shoes ™ harnesses the power of both the arts and intergroup dialogue to strengthen our imagination and to build our capacity to pursue far better paths forward across divides. Absolutely no performance experience necessary nor assumed.

Past Courses

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